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WYBSA holds regular board meetings, several times throughout the year (our complete schedule can be viewed on the WYBSA Events Schedule).  Community members in good standing of WYBSA are welcome to attend board meetings. Please contact the board Secretary or President to confirm the meeting time and location.


WYBSA board positions up for election this year are President (2yr term), Treasurer (2 yr), Baseball Commissioner (2yr), Softball Commissioner (2 yr)

All these positions are currently up for election,but we particularly need volunteers for VP and Field Manager

Please contact Paul or Becky by Thursday (7/25/24) if you are interested in running or if you would like to learn more about the positions. If applicable, voting for contested positions will take place at the recognition night event.

Paul Diven

Paul Diven

WYBSA President

Phone: 330-697-8610

Adam Brown

Adam Brown

WYBSA Treasurer

Phone: 330-647-0226

Luke Hakin

Luke Hakin

WYBSA Equipment Manager

Phone: 330-608-7890

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WYBSA Vice President

Jeff Feciuch

WYBSA Baseball Commissioner

Phone: 330-697-1644

Leah Campailla

WYBSA Softball Commissioner

Phone: 330-612-3990

Becky Goodyear

Becky Goodyear

WYBSA Recording Secretary

Robert (Bobby) Braybon

Robert (Bobby) Braybon

WYBSA Baseball Commissioner

Phone: 330-715-6938

Joe Capan

Joe Capan

WYBSA Softball Commisioner

Phone: 330-573-4840


Below is the additional contact information for other volunteers affiliated with our organization.  Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions at all. 

Scott Finnegin

Scott Finnegin

WYBSA Concessions Manager

Phone: 330-809-3018

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WYBSA Feld Manager

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Concessions Asst Manager

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Concessions Asst Manager

Phone: .


Below is the contact information for baseball and softball league representatives. 

Corey Myrla

Corey Myrla

Neobaseball President

Phone: 330-703-7584

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LeeAnn Ferguson

LeeAnn Ferguson

Baseball Umpire Scheduler - Portage Umpires

Phone: 330-281-6105

Charles Peak

Charles Peak

Softball Umpire Scheduler - PGS

Phone: 330-688-3251

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